
  • Roll on your bracelets, do not form a triangle (the horror!) with your hand as it will over-stretch and loosen the bracelet prematurely.
  • Remove your bracelets before participating in vigorous physical activity. (Ideally, remove the bracelet before sleeping.)
  • Avoid direct contact with perfume, makeup, lotion, chlorine and other chemicals. These dull the gemstones and weaken the elastic, making it more likely to snap.
  • When you're not wearing your bracelet, store it in a small pouch and, if possible, with anti-tarnish paper. This ensures that the gemstones will not scratch other surfaces and vice versa!
  • Clean your bracelet with a soft, damp cloth (with very mild silver) and silver-polishing cloth (if you have relevant elements) and dry it immediately.
  • For most metals and gemstones, cleaning with a mild soap and warm water will be enough. For details, read on!

    It is important to note that we all have different skin sensitivities. While caring for our jewelry is important, it is even more important to care for ourselves. If you notice any irritation, itch or abnormalities upon wearing any jewelry, remove the jewelry at once and seek professional medical advice from a licensed physician.



    We use superior quality, Japan-imported crystal elastic thread and Japan-imported Gossamer floss. With proper care, they should last you the 4-6 months before the regular restringing! But, these precious gemstone bracelets still need some tender, loving care from you!

    • Elastic WILL eventually stretch out, despite the pre-stretching we do, especially if you over-stretch and tug the bracelet excessively. To minimize this, gently roll the bracelet over your hand onto your wrist. Never form a triangle with your hand because that will over-stretch the elastic and stress your bracelet.
    • Gemstones are hard, with most of them ranking 7 on the Mohs scale (diamond is a 10) and we use good quality gemstones. So these gemstones will inevitably wear out the elastic over time. Check the elastic for frays regularly (and gently), especially if you've accidentally tugged the bracelet or worn it to the gym and other similar activities. We advice you to do so on a towel or a bead mat after taking a picture of the bracelet. That way, if the elastic does snap, you can easily gather all your beads and reconstruct your bracelet.
    • Restring the bracelet every 4-6 months, depending on wear and tear. This is also a good opportunity to resize!


      Most of the time, gemstones do not need meticulous cleaning — buffing gemstones with a dry and soft brush is usually enough to get rid of dirt. Sometimes, toothpicks are handy to clean out the little bits of dirt that get stuck between gemstones.

      If a deeper cleanse is needed, mild soap and water and a gentle brushing will be enough. Remember to rinse and dry! Not all gemstones can stand prolonged exposure to water.

      Close-up of the word "wash" as a reminder to care for jewelry


      Sterling Silver

      Sterling silver tarnish, especially if they are not stored properly. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of tarnish is to polish the silver gently with the silver polishing cloth that comes free with each purchase ;)

      But once the entire polishing cloth is blackened, you'd need to find an alternative. One common remedy is toothpaste, and another is baking soda mixed with water. Remember to rinse off the toothpaste / baking soda and pat dry right after.


      Give solid gold bracelets, chains and earrings a gentle bath in a solution of a few drops of dish soap and a little warm water. Put small jewelry pieces into a strainer before placing in the solution; large pieces can go directly into the bowl to soak for about five minutes. Swish the items around, then take them out, lay them on a soft cloth and go over the crevices and chain links with a soft toothbrush to dislodge any dirt trapped there. Return small pieces to the strainer and rinse everything under running water. Buff dry with a soft cloth.


      Platinum is expensive for a reason — it is hypoallergenic (like stainless steel) and basically does not wear down! Cleaning platinum is also easy. With a soft brush, gently brush the platinum with a mild soap and warm water.

      Brass & Copper

      Although it does not rust, brass tarnishes easily. Similarly, copper will lose its brightness and a patina would form due to oxidation, which is a natural process. To get rid of this patina, gently polish the copper elements with a high acidity substance (e.g. lemon juice) and clean away the acid completely afterwards. Personally, I like to just rub the acid around the copper with my fingers and then rinse and dry, easy peasy.


      Once known as "poor man's silver", pewter is a great metal for jewellery because it does not tarnish the way silver does, nor does it easily rust or corrode. The simplest way to keep pewter shiny is to just clean it with mild soap and warm water.

      Stainless Steel

      Although stainless steel does not tarnish or corrode, they do scratch, so remember to store it in a pouch when you're not wearing it. If there are too many scratches, you would need to have it professionally polished, which might not be worth it!


      As pearls are porous, they need exceptional care:

      • Never soak the pearls.
      • Dip a soft brush into mild soap (e.g. shampoo) mixed with warm water and gently go over each pearl as though you are painting the pearls.
      • Rinse the pearls with a clean, damp cloth.
      • Dry flat.
      • Blow out drill holes carefully as moisture could be trapped there, leading to discolouration.
      • If there are stains, remove them with by rubbing them with a cloth.

        Freshwater pearl bracelet, exclusively designed for Tsukiyo Co by Cielito


        Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute of any kind for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. Please seek immediate medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative or homeopathic medicine or making a change to your lifestyle and regimen.
